Communion Sunday

The first Sunday of each month is Communion Sunday. If you would like to participate
while worshipping digitally, you are invited to prepare your own elements: a bread or bread-like item
such as a cracker, bagel, pita, or muffin, and grape juice, wine or water.


Archived Services and Sermons

Each sermon post contains the full text as well as the link to an audio-only version.

A Future with Hope: Promise of Jubilee

We’re back in the wilderness alongside the Israelites one more time this morning.  Over the last three weeks, we’ve accompanied these fellow wanderers through their liminal space experience, that time between being liberated from Egyptian slavery and making it to the...

A Future with Hope: Promise of Enough

Numbness.  Rage.  Courage.  Panic.  Determination.  Weariness.  Hope.  Despair.  This election cycle, we have all contained multitudes, stopping at least briefly at every point on the feelings wheel.  With most of the results in and races called, perhaps the...


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2344 Center Street
Bethlehem, PA 18017

Contact Us:


Media Inquiries:

Carol Burns
Communications Manager
610-867-5865, ext. 238

Email Us:

Acting Head of Staff/Associate Pastor for Justice and Community Impact:
Rev. Lindsey Altvater Clifton
Pastoral Associate for Compassion:
Rev. Suzanne Trump
Director of Music Ministries: David Macbeth
Director of Church Administration: David Crook
Weekday Preschool Director: Tracy Leszcynski
Rentals/Facility Usage: Carol Burns
Facilities Maintenance Manager: Kevin Konczyk

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