Communion Sunday

The first Sunday of each month is Communion Sunday. If you would like to participate
while worshipping digitally, you are invited to prepare your own elements: a bread or bread-like item
such as a cracker, bagel, pita, or muffin, and grape juice, wine or water.


Archived Services and Sermons

Each sermon post contains the full text as well as the link to an audio-only version.

An In-Between Season

Every year, I plant a row of zinnias in my backyard. And, then I wait because those seeds take a bit of time to come up. Sometimes, the seeds result in a glorious row of brightly colored flowers and sometimes they resemble a sad sack, hit or miss row of blooms...

“Do Something and Sit There – Huh?”

How many of you have ever heard a sermon about this story that asked if you were a Martha or a Mary? A doer or a listener? A worker bee or a faithful church goer? What if this is all just a false binary? What if these aren’t the right questions to ask at all? Because...


Let's Connect!



2344 Center Street
Bethlehem, PA 18017

Contact Us:


Media Inquiries:

Carol Burns
Communications Manager
610-867-5865, ext. 238

Email Us:

Transitional Pastor: Rev. Karen Kinney

Associate Pastor for Justice and Community Impact:
Rev. Lindsey Altvater Clifton

Pastoral Associate for Compassion:
Rev. Suzanne Trump

Director of Music Ministries: David Macbeth

Director of Church Administration: David Crook

Weekday Preschool Director: Tracy Leszcynski

Rentals/Facility Usage: Carol Burns

Facilities Maintenance Manager: Kevin Konczyk

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