As you hopefully know, we held an important Congregational Town Hall last Sunday at which the Joint Finance Committee of the Session and Trustees reported on the current finances of the congregation, as well as trends over the course of the year and projections for the end of this year and beyond.

In addition, the Strategic Mission Steering Committee reported on their work to date and the exciting opportunities that are unfolding for both establishing long-term financial sustainability AND exponentially increasing the missional impact of our congregation’s property to a level that it has never had in the history of the church.

The meeting was livestreamed and recorded for those who were unable to attend, and we are providing links to that recording as well as a summary of key points.


If you were not able to be present at the meeting, please take a few minutes to review the recap, so you are up-to-date on these crucial issues and opportunities in the life of our church.

If questions arise for you during this review, please send them to info@fpc-bethlehem.org and either the Finance Committee or the Steering Committee members will do their best to answer them, depending on which one seems to be best-suited to address your questions.

You can anticipate further communications on all these issues as we go through the fall towards the end of the calendar year, so keep your ears open for announcements to that effect. We are committed to the greatest transparency possible on all of these issues, and will continue to try to live up to that commitment in everything that we do.

Grace and Peace,

The conversation continues: On Sunday, September 10 at 10 a.m. we will offer a Mission Strategy Conversation in Fellowship Hall. This session will be recorded (but not livestreamed).