Dear FPCB Congregation,

At its stated monthly meeting on Monday evening (June 24), Session took some additional next steps to continue preparing for J.C.’s departure in late July.

Per Presbytery and Committee on Ministry guidance, Session has formed a five-person Transitional Pastor search team.  This team will create the position description and conduct the search for a Transitional Pastor who will guide FPCB through the season of discernment and planning to come.  Transitional Pastors have specialized training in leading through change, and that person will likely be with us for 12-18 months as we work through the steps to prepare for calling our next installed pastor.

The Transitional Pastor Search team is made up of three Elders (including two from the Personnel Committee), along with a Deacon and a Trustee.  Those leaders are:

Kate Arrington, Deacon

Jon Conrad, Elder (Personnel)

Linda Filipovits, Elder (Personnel)

Rich Gorton, Trustee

Ted Masthay, Elder

Session was attentive to selecting a group which has a balanced and diverse set of perspectives and experiences in terms of length of membership, age, gender, etc.  In the coming weeks, that group will meet with our liaison from the Committee on Ministry (COM), Rev. Taylor Hall, to receive additional guidance and begin their work on a Transitional Pastor position description.  We hope that document is approved by Session and COM and ready to post very soon after the conclusion of J.C.’s tenure. (Presbytery policy precludes us from beginning that search until then.) 

The Personnel Committee is continuing to work on a leadership bridge plan to cover the span of time between July 28 and the start of the Transitional Pastor.  That period will likely be somewhere between a few weeks and a few months, depending on how quickly a qualified Transitional Pastor candidate is identified and can begin.  Personnel will have a leadership bridge plan for Session’s consideration and approval at the next stated Session meeting (July 22).

Finally, elders Kari Keyock and JoAnne Turcotte will serve as the planning coordinators for the event to celebrate J.C.’s ministry with us.  That event will take place following worship on Sunday, July 28 which is J.C’s last day.  Stay tuned for additional information about planning meetings and volunteer needs for that celebration!

We continue to be grateful for the words of support and encouragement from the congregation as we seek the Spirit’s guidance for the next chapter of life and ministry together!

In Christ,
FPCB Session