Greetings, dear ones,

Somehow, we’re already nearly at the beginning of February!

The Transitional Pastor Search Team continues Lindsey Altvater Cliftontheir important work meeting with prospective candidates and discerning their way toward the right leader for FPCB’s next chapter.  The timeline for bringing someone on board in the Transitional Pastor role remains a bit unclear, but the search team hopes there are some more concrete developments in the not-too-distant future.

Given that lingering uncertainty, I recently shared with Personnel and Session that I’m feeling the strain of serving as Acting Head of Staff alongside all my regular roles and responsibilities for a longer period than we first envisioned.  Initially, we thought it might be a 3-4 month commitment, but we’re at the six month mark.  To help alleviate some of that fatigue, we’re working to identify a Bridge Preacher, someone to come serve as our primary worship planner and preaching voice for Lent through Easter.  I’ll continue to keep all of the other daily and weekly plates spinning, but having someone else take the lead on Sundays will rebalance my workload until we’re able to get a Transitional Pastor on board.

It is possible we find a Transitional Pastor who can begin before or during Lent (which begins with Ash Wednesday on March 5), but I’m grateful for the prospect of a clear timeline for some additional support just in case that doesn’t happen!  We’ll certainly keep you posted with updates on both possibilities.  I continue to be deeply grateful for the many ways that the staff, Suzanne, and our Parish Associates have all helped carry the load during this in-between time.

This Sunday, don’t forget about the important Steering Committee Update gathering after the 11:15 service in Fellowship Hall.  We should be starting around 12:30 p.m., and snacks will be provided.  The presentation will be recorded for those who aren’t able to attend; please email info@fpc-bethelhem.org later next week to request access once it’s ready to be shared.

I also hope the Annual Congregational Meeting is on your calendar, as well: Sunday, Feb. 16 following one service at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary.  Then stick around for a delicious fundraiser lunch prepared by and supporting our Boy Scouts in Troop 302.

Even as the path forward continues to unfold, it is good to be God’s people together, and we trust in God’s faithfulness and the Spirit’s guidance along the way.

Blessings, friends,