For the people of Ukraine,
for refugees and the loved ones they leave behind,
for transgender and non-binary kids in Texas,
for LGBTQ+ youth in Florida.

For an end to violence of all kinds,
for peace and flourishing for all creation.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers.

Friends, this may be the shortest Pastor’s Letter to date, but I confess that I don’t have many words as we watch all manner of harm unfold in the world around us. Given my own experiences as a queer person and the deep love many of us already have for Baz, Mursal, Taib, and Bahar (our Afghan refugee family), this week’s headlines have felt particularly poignant.

I suppose feeling a deep tug toward mostly wordless prayer and an aching reminder of human mortality and fragility is appropriate given that we’re approaching Ash Wednesday and the start of our Lenten journey next week. Nonetheless, I hope in joining our heavy hearts together for worship this Sunday, we might be reminded again of the hope and promise of God’s new heaven and new earth.

Seek peace, dear ones. However you might need – with God, within yourself, and for others. And remember that all flourishing in mutual.

Blessings, friends,