Greetings, all!

Ready or not, we’re coming down the home stretch of our Advent journey.  Sunday morning, we’ll gather to hear one final set of Words for the Beginning: Hope is Worth the Risk – then on Sunday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. we’ll return for our annual Christmas Joy Concert, which is always a delight (also livestreamed on our Facebook page and website).

On Tuesday, we’ll celebrate Christmas Eve with two worship services: an intergenerational, family-friendly service at 4:00 p.m. and a traditional Lessons & Carols service at 7:00 p.m.  (Both will conclude with our candlelight Silent Night ritual.)  These are two services filled with the warmth, light, and love which accompany Christ’s birth, so I hope you and yours are able to join us!

Laura, the pups, and I will hit the road on Christmas Day to make the trip home to North Carolina to spend time with our families.  I’ll be back in the office on Monday, Jan. 6.  During that time, Suzanne will be on call for any pastoral care needs, and she is leading worship on Sunday, Dec. 29.  Then Steve Simmons will lead services to ring in the New Year on Jan. 5.

As we look ahead to 2025, I want to get a couple of important dates on your calendars.

First, on Sunday, Jan. 19 following the 11:15 a.m. service, the Strategic Mission Steering Committee will be offering an update on its work.  We’ll gather in Fellowship Hall, and snacks will be provided.  Second, on Sunday, Feb. 16, we’ll have one worship service at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary followed by our Annual Congregational Meeting and Boy Scout Pasta Lunch Fundraiser.

Finally, here’s a brief update on the progress of the Transitional Pastor Search Team:

After posting the Transitional Pastor position on Church Leadership Connection (the website for our denomination’s search and call process), we received more than 20 matching candidates.  The committee reviewed all the candidate profiles, looking for prior experience both in transitional ministry and as a Head of Staff.  

About half of the candidates met those qualifications and were contacted to confirm their mutual interest in our open position.  The search team then had initial interview conversations via Zoom with a few top candidates.  Subsequent in-person interviews will be scheduled for early January.

Deep gratitude for your prayers and continued support of FPCB!

Peace, friends.