A MESSAGE FROM REV. SUE BENNETCH: Looking ahead to our Longest Night Service
The year 2020 is going to be an unforgettable one.
We as a church will remember how we met on Facebook each Sunday morning for services. How we quickly adapted to physical distancing, mask-wearing and hand sanitizer. We have weathered the pandemic fairly well, and have become quite creative in our endeavors to connect with each other, often and safely. Yes, 2020 has been a very challenging year.
For some, 2020 will be an unforgettable year for other reasons. If you are in the medical field, you have increased your hours because of Covid. You have become your patients’ family as visiting restrictions become the norm. You hold the hand of the dying in our place. You’re working more hours than you thought you could. You are in our prayers.
Some of you have been furloughed from your jobs; others have been let go. Some find themselves in situations that they never imagined. You feel powerless and afraid. You are in our prayers.
Some of you have not seen family for close to a year. For those who are able, Zoom has been a lifeline. While not perfect, it is a wonderful way to stay connected. There are others who stand at the windows of care facilities and call their loved ones, as a way of feeling closer to them. You are in our prayers.
The CDC reports fear and anxiety about this new, unknown disease and what could happen; it can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Public health actions, such as physical distancing, can make people feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress and anxiety. However, these actions are necessary to reduce the spread of Covid. Coping with stress in a healthy way will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger.
Because of the 2020 situation, our annual Longest Night Service takes on more relevance as all of us have experienced loss of some kind.
All are welcome to join us at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 16 (offered on Facebook Live and on our website). It is a service for those who are experiencing feelings of loss, such as grieving for the loss of a loved one, an important relationship, or a job.
Please know your feelings are real. This service is for all you feeling overwhelmed, lonely or sad. Join us for an evening of reflection and music.
Sue Bennetch
Pastoral Care Associate