Dear ones,

Somehow school is back in session and we’re heading toward fall leaves and pumpkin spice everything season!

Session met this past Monday, Aug. 26, and we haveLindsey Altvater Clifton a few important updates to share. (This is a longer Pastor’s Message than usual, so please stick with me and read all the way to the end… )

First, as announced on Sunday, we will resume our two-service schedule on Sept. 15.  Holy Ground will begin at 9:00 a.m., and the Traditional Service will begin at 11:15 a.m. This slight time change was a recommendation from the Worship Committee.  It allows folks from the early service and those in the choir to attend more of Hearts N Minds, and it gives Dave and our audio/visual staff more breathing room between the services to ensure the sound system and all our livestream technology is ready to go. We’re looking forward to getting back into the groove of both worship experiences!

We also have some updates from our Transitional Pastor Search Team – the first draft of the position description has been reviewed by COM (our Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry), who made some suggestions. The team made subsequent revisions, and submitted them to Session for approval. With those revisions approved on Monday, now it goes back to COM for final approval before being published online in PC(USA)’s search and call system. Once it is “live,” we’ll be sure to let everyone know so that it can be shared widely through our personal and professional networks to attract a strong pool of candidates!

The Strategic Mission Steering Committee has also introduced another possible approach to our Transitional leadership needs. Given the significant cost of a full-time Transitional Pastor, that group received Session approval to gather information on prospective Transitional Ministry Consultants. Our congregation has already begun some of the essential work of Transitional Ministry: clarifying our core values and identity; clarifying a mission and vision for our future; assessing our financial sustainability and staffing needs.

As a result, this alternative path could enable us to accomplish the remaining goals of Transitional Ministry more quickly and at a much more affordable price point.

The key difference between calling a Transitional Pastor and partnering with a Transitional Ministry Consultant is that our lay leaders and current clergy will be equipped to facilitate the needed congregational discernment and dialogue alongside the Consultant rather than that work being led primarily by a Transitional Pastor. This model hasn’t been used in our Presbytery yet, and it will require COM permission, so there are several next steps in exploring the possibility. 

With Session’s approval, the Steering Committee will begin identifying and reaching out to Transitional Ministry Consultants for preliminary conversations and to receive proposals about their services, process timeline, and costs. Those will be submitted back to Session for consideration, and if Session feels comfortable, then we will take those to COM for their review and approval.

The best metaphor that I have for exploring these two possibilities (Transitional Pastor v. Transitional Ministry Consultant) is that we have two trains running on separate but parallel tracks which left the station at different times. It’s rather like one of those long math word problems I hated as a kid where you have to try to figure out which one arrives first…  And the honest answer at this moment is we have no idea, but we’re going to keep working on the solution and trust that we’ll end up exactly where God wants us!

As we seek to find the right balance between what we need and what we can afford, things can feel a bit complicated at times, so I really appreciate everyone’s patience and flexibility on all of this!  Don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Session with any questions or concerns.

Chugging right alongside y’all with the help of the Spirit,

P.S.—Just a reminder that I’m out of the office for a Staycation with Laura from Thursday, Aug. 29 (her birthday) through Labor Day.  Fingers crossed and prayers up she doesn’t have too many house projects on the docket… Suzanne is leading worship this week, and she will be on call for any pastoral emergencies during this time.