Dear ones,

I hope you’ve found some moments of beauty and rest in the midst of this week’s milder temperatures and gentle breezes.  I think this little fall preview has been quite a treat!  (Though I’m not at all ready for the shorter days…)

I’ve spent much of my free time in the evenings out in the yard with Laura and the dogs and wandering around the garden beds, mostly watching and waiting for our sunflowers to finally bloom.  And it happened!  The bees and butterflies and I are just delighted.

Where have you been delighted by God’s creation lately?  What are you watching and waiting on to bloom?

Whatever the case may be, let’s join with the Psalmist (and Nan Merrill) in offering our gratitude and praise for the gifts of Love that surround us each day!

Psalm 98

O sing to the Beloved a new song,

for Love has done marvelous things!

By the strength of your Indwelling Presence,

we, too, are called to do great things;

we are set free through Love’s forgiveness and truth.

Yes, your steadfast Love and faithfulness

are ever-present gifts in our lives.

All the ends of the earth have seen

the glory of Love’s eternal flame.

Make a joyful noise to the Beloved all the earth;

Break forth into grateful song and sing praises!

Yes, sing songs of praise extolling Love’s way;
lift up your hearts with gratitude and joy!

Let the voices of all people blend in harmony,
in unison let the people magnify the Beloved.

Let the sea laugh, and all that fills it;
the world and those who dwell in it!

Let the waters clap their hands;
let the hills ring out with joy before the Beloved;
who radiates Love to all the earth.

For Love reigns over the world with truth and justice
bringing order and balance to all of Creation.

—Nan Merrill, Psalms for Praying


And all God’s people said: Amen.

Blessings y’all,