Greetings dear ones,

First, much gratitude to everyone who helped make J.C.’s send-off celebration a meaningful time together!

I think it was a fitting way to honor his ministry Lindsey Altvater Cliftonalongside us and offer our blessings for his next chapter.

Looking toward this Sunday, we’ll welcome Rev. Rhonda Kruse, Lehigh Presbytery’s outgoing Transitional Presbyter, to our pulpit.  As a gesture of Presbytery support, Rhonda has a tradition of preaching the Sunday following a pastor’s departure.  I look forward to her wisdom and encouragement!  She and I will also preside together for the Lord’s Supper since this is a communion Sunday.  We hope you’ll plan to join us!

Speaking of Presbytery, our Transitional Pastor Search Team has submitted the Ministry Discernment Profile, which is the Transitional/Interim Pastor position description, for Committee on Ministry approval.  COM’s next monthly meeting is on Aug. 13, but we’re hopeful they might be able to approve it electronically before then.  The search team will certainly keep you posted!

And looking a bit farther ahead, I wanted to share some upcoming Out of Office dates with you.  I’ll be at the beach with family from Aug. 10-15, and Laura and I are enjoying a little staycation from Aug. 29-Sept. 2.

Then, I have two professional commitments later in the fall:

I’ve been asked to substitute for J.C. at the Stewardship Kaleidoscope conference (Sept. 23-26) where I’ll be leading a workshop focused on our strategic work to use our physical resources for community impact and financial sustainability.  I also think it will be a valuable time to gather additional ideas and tools for our future stewardship and capital needs!  You can learn more about that conference here: stewardshipkaleidoscope.org/

From Oct. 14-21, I’ll be leading my first Recently Ordained Clergy CREDO cohort as a vocation faculty member for that Board of Pensions program.  More information about it can be found here: pensions.org/your-path-to-wholeness/credo

For the August and September dates, Rev. Suzanne Trump will be on-call for any time sensitive pastoral care needs, and in October, one of our Parish Associates will provide that coverage since Suzanne will also be away.  (More on who to contact a bit closer to then!)

I’m grateful for your words of confidence and support as I hold down the fort in this bridge period, and I know that the staff, Session, Trustees, and Deacons will all continue to lead well even during such a big transition!  Forward together, friends…

In Christ,
