Pastor’s Message: March 21, 2025

A MESSAGE FROM REV. KAREN KINNEY: NURTURING THAT WHICH IS RESTING Grace and peace to you, I love to take walks and as the weather has warmed up, walking is more enjoyable. But I remember those winter days where all was cold, gray, brown and dull and nothing seemed to...


Hi Neighbors Speakers Program

Hi Neighbors Speakers Program

Our popular speakers program, Hi Neighbors, will be back starting on Monday, March 10! Hi Neighbors brings an interesting assortment of local speakers who share their interest and passion for topics like music, history, travel, and wellness. Each session will begin at...

Election Night Contemplation and Prayer

Election Night Contemplation and Prayer

We're offering an opportunity for prayer and contemplation on Tuesday evening, Nov. 5. After voting, stop by the Sanctuary between 7-8:30 pm - we'll offer contemplative music and printed prayers to support your own quiet reflection. We pray this drop-in time and space...

Filament Chamber Ensemble Concert

Filament Chamber Ensemble Concert

Filament, a Philadelphia-based chamber ensemble, will perform at First Presbyterian Church of Bethlehem, 2344 Center St., Bethlehem on Saturday, Nov. 9 at 3 p.m. Tickets are available at the door for $20 each. Mezzo-soprano Meg Bragle, who is a frequent soloist with...

Archive of Pastor Messages

Pastor’s Message: March 21, 2025

A MESSAGE FROM REV. KAREN KINNEY: NURTURING THAT WHICH IS RESTING Grace and peace to you, I love to take walks and as the weather has warmed up, walking is more enjoyable. But I remember those winter days where all was cold, gray, brown and dull and nothing seemed to...

Pastor’s Message: March 14, 2025

A MESSAGE FROM REV. KAREN KINNEY: INTENTIONS AND ACTIONS Grace and peace to you, I’m on day 14 and what an amazing time it has been already! From meeting and talking with so many of you (and planning more conversations), to attending committee meetings, to worshiping...

Pastor’s Message: March 7, 2025

A MESSAGE FROM REV. KAREN KINNEY: ENTERING LENT WITH INTENTION Grace and peace to you, First, thank you all for the warm welcome I received last Sunday. I am grateful to be here and working with you all as your Transitional Pastor. Over the next weeks, I will be...

Let's Connect!



2344 Center Street
Bethlehem, PA 18017

Contact Us:


Media Inquiries:

Carol Burns
Communications Manager
610-867-5865, ext. 238

Email Us:

Transitional Pastor: Rev. Karen Kinney

Associate Pastor for Justice and Community Impact:
Rev. Lindsey Altvater Clifton

Pastoral Associate for Compassion:
Rev. Suzanne Trump

Director of Music Ministries: David Macbeth

Director of Church Administration: David Crook

Weekday Preschool Director: Tracy Leszcynski

Rentals/Facility Usage: Carol Burns

Facilities Maintenance Manager: Kevin Konczyk

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