by The Rev. J.C. Austin | Apr 28, 2024
My mom loves to tell the story of when I was about ten years old or so and she found some old letters at my grandparents’ house that she had sent to them at different times when I was younger. She started reading a few out loud to me so I could hear how she had...
by The Rev. J.C. Austin | Apr 21, 2024
I know that every generation thinks that the music of its high school and college years was particularly important, but as someone who was in college in the early 1990s, I feel a particularly strong claim to that. In those years, the alternative rock movement that had...
by The Rev. J.C. Austin | Apr 14, 2024
Before I went to seminary, I served as the interim youth director at my home church in Atlanta for a year while they were in between permanent staff. It was a perfect arrangement for both of us; I had just returned from a year in Australia and had decided to go to...
by Rev. Suzanne Trump | Apr 7, 2024
Acts 4:32–35 Text Focus Sentence: While the apostles testified to others about the resurrection of Jesus, the early Christian community shared what they owned or sold their possessions to help their fellow believers who were in need. Sermon Focus Sentence: With great...
by The Rev. J.C. Austin | Mar 31, 2024
We’ve all been “perplexed” at times. Where did I leave my keys? How can Route 22 ALWAYS have a traffic jam at Airport Road, no matter what time it is? What am I not getting about Pete Davidson’s attractiveness? To be perplexed is to be puzzled or confused. It...
by The Rev. J.C. Austin | Mar 24, 2024
My son Liam, who’s in his first year of college in Washington, DC, told me recently that he has checked off one of the rites of passage of being a DC resident: he was inconvenienced by the Presidential motorcade. Now, we’ve all seen the motorcade on TV: the giant,...