by Rev. Suzanne Trump | Aug 11, 2024
Preaching text: Romans 5: 1-5 It is said that more often than not, preachers preach to themselves We preach what we need to hear And today, I need hope I’ll bet that many of you are feeling the same way How can we have hope in the midst of everything going on in our...
by Rev. Rhonda Kruse | Aug 4, 2024
Every two years, presbyteries from across the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) send commissioners to a national gathering called the General Assembly. This year it happened in late June/early July in Salt Lake City. I’ve attended many GA gatherings, but I recognized a...
by The Rev. J.C. Austin | Jul 28, 2024
One of my friends in ministry posts the same thing almost every Thursday night. He, like me and many other pastors, takes Fridays as a day off in lieu of Sundays. But unlike me and many other pastors, he is extremely disciplined at actually doing so, regardless of how...
by The Rev. J.C. Austin | Jul 21, 2024
You never do this. You always do that. We literally just talked about this. This again? You sound exactly like your parents right now. Can’t you take a joke? Can’t we just drop this and move on? Those are just some of the greatest hits of toxic communication in...
by The Rev. J.C. Austin | Jul 14, 2024
I have never actually counted them up, but I’ve probably officiated well over 100 weddings in my 20+ years of ordained ministry. And in that time, I can honestly say I’ve never had a true disaster at a wedding I’ve officiated. That’s not to say there haven’t been some...
by Rev. Cynthia Leslie Simmons | Jun 30, 2024
The Apostle Paul was one worried man. He had worked so hard to establish several fledgling Christian congregations in Galatia but now it appeared that his work might go right down the drain. As you heard Jim read during the introduction to the scripture, most of the...