by Rev. Suzanne Trump | Sep 29, 2024
Galatians 5:16-6:2 Prayer for Illumination Let us pray.(Slight pause.) God who is our strength and our redeemer, send the power of your holy spirit into our hearts and minds so that the words of scripture we are about to hear may be for us a source of challenge but...
by Rev. Dr. Stephen Simmons | Sep 22, 2024
So, how do you measure up today? I checked myself this morning, and I’m still 5’7” tall, my weight remains stubbornly pre-chubby, my blood pressure was 135 over 73, my blood oxygen level stood at 97%, and my teeth are clean, but not as white as I might want them to...
by Rev. Dr. Ginny Smith | Sep 8, 2024
As I was preparing for my sermon today, I took a break and stumbled on an item called “GOOD NEWS/BAD NEWS FOR PASTORS.” I thought you would enjoy them. GOOD NEWS: The Board of Deacons voted to send you a get-well card. BAD...
by Rev. Suzanne Trump | Sep 1, 2024
The last time that I preached I talked about an ancient Jewish ritual where you enter the Temple and walk to the right if you are feeling pretty good. But if you are heartbroken, you enter on the left and walk face those who are doing ok When they encounter the...
by Rev. Dr. Richard Smith | Aug 25, 2024
Years ago, I attended a retreat and arrived early at the Monastery. I was looking around and found some sheep in a fenced in field, so I thought I’d go make some friends. I pulled up some grass, went to the fence, clicked my tongue, some sheep lifted their heads and...
by Rev. Suzanne Trump | Aug 11, 2024
Preaching text: Romans 5: 1-5 It is said that more often than not, preachers preach to themselves We preach what we need to hear And today, I need hope I’ll bet that many of you are feeling the same way How can we have hope in the midst of everything going on in our...