by Rev. Susan Gilbert Zencka | Sep 4, 2022
Texts: Genesis 1:1-10, Luke 5:1-11 I’m really happy to be with you all today, and to share with you one of my passions—creation-honoring Christian worship. So let me unpack that a little before getting into the meat of the sermon. Today, in many churches around the...
by The Rev. J.C. Austin | Aug 7, 2022
Audio coming By The Rev. J.C. Austin “Good fences make good neighbors.” It’s an old Yankee proverb that features in the well-known poem by Robert Frost called “Mending Wall,” in which he considers that sentiment in light of a wall between his own farm and his...
by Rev. Dr. Alexandra M. Hendrickson | Jul 24, 2022
Audio coming! By The Rev. Dr. Alexandra M. Hendrickson Small warning, before I read this text again from Eugene Peterson’s interpretation. This text and my sermon will use terms that are sometimes hard to hear. Hosea 1:2-11: The Message The first time God spoke...
by Carol Burns | Jul 17, 2022
Audio coming! By The Rev. Lindsey Altvater Clifton Today we circle back to a text often preached on Trinity Sunday – the Sunday following Pentecost – where age-old questions emerged once again, still essentially unanswered: Why does one God need three...
by Carol Burns | Jul 10, 2022
Audio coming! By The Rev. J.C. Austin A few years ago, I remember seeing a viral video of people running into Central Park in New York City, but running as if they were running urgently towards something, not running away from something. Now, when I say...
by Carol Burns | Jul 3, 2022
Audio coming By The Rev. J.C. Austin Just picture it: a windswept mountaintop; a few large rocks and a pile of wood between them; a small, young figure lying motionless atop the wood. And there, standing above him, the wind whipping his beard and his loose,...