Into the Deep

Texts: Genesis 1:1-10, Luke 5:1-11 I’m really happy to be with you all today, and to share with you one of my passions—creation-honoring Christian worship. So let me unpack that a little before getting into the meat of the sermon. Today, in many churches around the...

The End of the Law

Audio coming By The Rev. J.C. Austin   “Good fences make good neighbors.”  It’s an old Yankee proverb that features in the well-known poem by Robert Frost called “Mending Wall,” in which he considers that sentiment in light of a wall between his own farm and his...

Marital Counseling

Audio coming! By The Rev. Dr. Alexandra M. Hendrickson   Small warning, before I read this text again from Eugene Peterson’s interpretation. This text and my sermon will use terms that are sometimes hard to hear. Hosea 1:2-11: The Message The first time God spoke...

Spirit of Peace

Audio coming! By The Rev. Lindsey Altvater Clifton Today we circle back to a text often preached on Trinity Sunday – the Sunday following Pentecost – where age-old questions emerged once again, still essentially unanswered:  Why does one God need three...

It’s Really That Simple (?)

Audio coming! By The Rev. J.C. Austin   A few years ago, I remember seeing a viral video of people running into Central Park in New York City, but running as if they were running urgently towards something, not running away from something. Now, when I say...

God’s Test

Audio coming By The Rev. J.C. Austin   Just picture it: a windswept mountaintop; a few large rocks and a pile of wood between them; a small, young figure lying motionless atop the wood. And there, standing above him, the wind whipping his beard and his loose,...