by The Rev. J.C. Austin | Apr 30, 2023
Let’s remember that it’s been pretty rough going for Jesus recently. At this point in his ministry, his friend, mentor, and cousin, John the Baptist, has been executed. Since then, Jesus’ ministry has really taken off, but that has its own challenges: he has been...
by The Rev. J.C. Austin | Apr 23, 2023
There are two origin stories of the sandwich, both involving John Montagu, the fourth Earl of Sandwich in Great Britain, and how he sustained himself late at night. Lord Sandwich (it’s really to say that with a straight face) was said to be a dedicated card player and...
by The Rev. J.C. Austin | Apr 9, 2023
Recently, a friend on Facebook posted a quiz for older generations to test how well they know the slang of Generation Z. And if you want to make sure that only older generations participate in your quiz, posting it on Facebook is definitely the way to go. I actually...
by The Rev. J.C. Austin | Sep 25, 2022
The mule stood there, looking back at me with almost aggressive disinterest, dismissively swishing his tail. He was standing in front of a large iron plough, the kind used by farmers in the 19th century, and he was wearing a harness that hitched him to the plough in...
by The Rev. J.C. Austin | Sep 18, 2022
Audio coming “We’re going to need a bigger boat.” It’s one of the more famous lines in movie history. It’s from Jaws, the classic thriller that basically invented the summer blockbuster as we know it, was such a huge hit that there was a noticeable drop in beach...
by The Rev. J.C. Austin | Sep 11, 2022
Audio coming By The Rev. J.C. Austin Who you eat with is who you are. If you don’t believe me, then you had a different experience of middle school than I did. I remember walking into the cafeteria at Sutton Middle School in Atlanta, GA, for the first time at...