Hard Words to Swallow

In November 2001, I traveled with my brother in Chile. I was a pastor in New York City at the time, and the cumulative weight of responding to the September 11 attacks was weighing heavily on our pastoral staff, so we each swapped out a week’s vacation to recover. I...

An Invitation to Transformation

Scripture Reading: John 3:1-17 The gifted humorist Will Rogers once stated: “About the time one learns to make the most of life, the time is gone.” There’s tremendous truth in this.  We spend a great deal of time trying to clarify our lives, to put it into a coherent...

Together We Can

Scripture: Matthew 14:13–21 Text Focus Sentence: Jesus withdrew to be alone but the crowds followed him and he had compassion on them curing the sick and feeding the 5000 with five loaves and two fish. Sermon Focus Sentence: Jesus instructs the disciples to feed the...

Face to Face, Toe to Toe

When I was traveling in Turkey many years ago, I had the opportunity to attend the annual Turkish wrestling festival near Edirne, which is a smallish, non-descript town several hours west of Istanbul (near the border with Macedonia, Greece, and Bulgaria), with nothing...

Doberman or St. Bernard?

Note: Prior to the sermon, Pastor Simmons and Pastor Clifton presented the children’s book “The Runaway Bunny” in dramatic form as a modern parable to help understand the scripture. Francis Thompson was an English poet who, in 1890, published a poem called The Hound...

Humility or Hospitality?

  Luke 14: 1, 7-14 Text Focus Sentence: Jesus encourages disciples to invest their hearts and live fully into God’s reign.  Instead of facing life with fear, those who know God’s generosity are always ready to receive from God and give to others. Sermon Focus...