Listen to Him!

This is such a mind-boggling narrative, isn’t it? Imagine you are Peter, James or John – you’ve gone up to the mountain with Jesus to pray and you awake from a sleepy state to witness Jesus’ face being totally changed and his clothes as bright as a flash of lightning!...

Half Full or Half Empty?

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen I am one of the lucky ones, I know that I own my own boat, and I have a business I am grateful for all that God has given me I go to synagogue, and I do what I can But last night, that was...

Starting from Here

Ephesians 1: 3-11 (Common English Bible) Matthew 2: 2-12 (Common English Bible) Happy New Year! As we wade into this year of our Lord 2025, I’d like to begin with an old camp song that goes, appropriately enough, to the tune of “Auld Lang Syne.” Maybe you know it....

Where Else Would I Be?

There are some quotes that are easily recognizable and once you hear them you can immediately place the movie or the time and place And we use them often because they are so recognizable Here are some of my favorite movie quotes, how many do you recognize? “Frankly,...

A Grace-Filled King

Questions for Reflection When you think of a king, what qualities do you imagine? What qualities does Jesus Christ possess as our king?  Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen On the church calendar, this is the last Sunday of the...


“During that first Arctic summer, I began to understand that the apparent stillness of the Svalbard landscape was completely illusory. Everything was in motion: slopes were slipping, ice was pulsing, the land was rebounding, the mountains were flowing, the geography...