by Rev. Suzanne Trump | Sep 27, 2024
A MESSAGE FROM REV. SUZANNE TRUMP: LISTENING FOR UNDERSTANDING Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Happy Autumn! Welcome to the beautiful rich colors of the fall season. For some reason, Autumn makes me want to clean my house, get some new clothes, and assess how...
by Rev. Suzanne Trump | Sep 7, 2024
A MESSAGE FROM REV. SUZANNE TRUMP: PAYING ATTENTION Greetings to members and friends, On Tuesday afternoon, Lindsey’s beloved grandmother passed into eternal life. Lindsey is currently spending time with her family and will return to church on Sunday. Please keep...
by Rev. Suzanne Trump | Sep 1, 2024
The last time that I preached I talked about an ancient Jewish ritual where you enter the Temple and walk to the right if you are feeling pretty good. But if you are heartbroken, you enter on the left and walk face those who are doing ok When they encounter the...
by Rev. Suzanne Trump | Aug 11, 2024
Preaching text: Romans 5: 1-5 It is said that more often than not, preachers preach to themselves We preach what we need to hear And today, I need hope I’ll bet that many of you are feeling the same way How can we have hope in the midst of everything going on in our...
by Rev. Suzanne Trump | Aug 9, 2024
A MESSAGE FROM THE REV. SUZANNE TRUMP: FINDING HOPE Greetings Friends, While at my previous church, I often worked with a local funeral director and whenever we saw each other we joked about getting a deserted island. We did not want to be together, we each wanted our...