Pastor’s Message: April 2, 2021
by Carol Burns | Apr 1, 2021
A MESSAGE FROM REV. J.C. AUSTIN: PREPARING FOR THIS HOLIEST OF WEEKS Friends, as you are reading this, we are already into Holy Week, with our Maundy Thursday service having taken place last night. Tonight marks the next step in our Holy Week journey with the Good...Pastor’s Message: March 26, 2021
by Carol Burns | Mar 25, 2021
A MESSAGE FROM REV. J.C. AUSTIN: AN UPDATE ON CONGREGATIONAL SINGING I’ve been asked by several people recently about when we might be considering a return to indoor, in-person worship. The Session’s Building Reopening Task Force has been hard at work on that very...Pastor’s Message: March 19, 2021
by Carol Burns | Mar 18, 2021
A MESSAGE FROM REV. J.C. AUSTIN: Looking ahead to Holy Week Next Sunday, March 28, is Palm Sunday, which begins Holy Week, the most important time of the year on the Christian calendar. I want to talk a little bit this week about what Holy Week will look like this...Pastor’s Message: March 12, 2021
by Carol Burns | Mar 11, 2021
A MESSAGE FROM REV. J.C. AUSTIN: RESILIENCE – SUPPORT – FAITHFULNESS – LOVE As you all know, this Sunday marks the one-year anniversary of our congregational response to the pandemic. On March 15, 2020, we went to “digital-only” worship for the first...