Pastor’s Message: Oct. 22, 2021

A MESSAGE FROM THE REV. J.C. AUSTIN: LOST OR BEWILDERED? As you know, we’re in the middle of a sermon series in worship called “On the Way,” that is exploring different aspects of what it means to be followers of the Way of Jesus Christ, which is what Christianity was...

On the Way

Listen By The Rev. J.C. Austin   Over the past week or so I’ve been listening to the audiobook of the recently-released memoirs of Dave Grohl, the rock musician. Grohl founded the Foo Fighters, one of the biggest rock bands in the world for the last 25 years or...

Pastor’s Message: Oct. 15, 2021

A MESSAGE FROM THE REV. J.C. AUSTIN:RUNNING THE NEXT RACE This week we’re starting a new sermon series in worship that will take us through the remaining Sundays of the season, sometimes called “Ordinary Time” in the Christian calendar. “Ordinary Time” is called that...

Neighborhood Church: One Thing to Do

Listen By The Rev. Lindsey Altvater Clifton   It has been a little while since my last pulpit confession, and I’ve been stewing about this one for awhile now because it’s sort of a doozy:  I don’t know if I believe in the church.  Now, I definitely believe in God...

Pastor’s Message: Oct. 8, 2021

A MESSAGE FROM THE REV. J.C. AUSTIN: RESPONDING TOGETHER As we have resumed the option of worshipping in-person, there have been a few changes to the worship services from the online-only version that you may have noticed. Probably the most obvious changes are the...