Pastor’s Message: April 12, 2024

PREPARING FOR OUR NEXT ADVENTURE AS A CHURCH COMMUNITYBy Carol Burns, Communications Manager Kirkland Village is holding a Community Sale on Saturday, May 18, and we are taking advantage of the shoppers coming to their site by planning our own “Spring Cleaning Sale”...

Pastor’s Message: Oct. 13, 2023

A MESSAGE FROM THE REV. LINDSEY ALTVATER CLIFTON: TAKING THE FIRST STEPS Dear ones, Next week, we begin the first steps in our campus planning and community engagement process alongside our partners from Collabo and Urban Ventures!  We’ve named this planning endeavor...

Pastor’s Message: Oct. 6, 2023

A MESSAGE FROM THE REV. J.C. AUSTIN: SHARING YOUR GIFTS This Sunday, October 8, is the deadline for nominations of people to serve in elected office in the church, starting in early 2024. I want to talk this week about exactly what that means, because the election of...

Pastor’s Message: Sept. 29, 2023

A MESSAGE FROM THE REV. J.C. AUSTIN: GETTING THE BASICS There’s an old story about multiple generations of a family gathered around the Thanksgiving table discussing what they are most thankful for, and one of the adults asks, “What modern convenience are you most...

Pastor’s Message: Sept. 22, 2023

A MESSAGE FROM THE REV. J.C. AUSTIN: IMPORTANT CONVERSATIONS As we hope you know, the Session and Trustees began an intensive season of mission discernment for our congregation with a joint retreat about ten months ago. That retreat focused on examining the kinds of...