by Carol Burns | Apr 22, 2022
A MESSAGE FROM THE REV. LINDSEY ALTVATER CLIFTON:Spring Song spring songthe green of Jesus is breaking the ground and the sweet smell of delicious Jesus is opening the house and the dance of Jesus music has hold of the air and the world is turning in the body of Jesus...
by Carol Burns | Apr 17, 2022
Listen By The Rev. J.C. Austin Easter takes awhile to get to where it’s going. We generally forget that; we forget that Easter begins while things are still dark, with Mary in the garden near the tomb, weeping, because she has lost Jesus. Twice, actually; she...
by Carol Burns | Apr 15, 2022
A MESSAGE FROM THE REV. J.C. AUSTIN: OBSERVING THE TRIDUUM As you read this message, we have already entered what has traditionally been known as the Triduum, the ancient Christian name for the three days of observances before Easter. The Triduum follows the Jewish...
by Carol Burns | Apr 10, 2022
Listen By The Rev. J.C. Austin Before coming to Bethlehem, I spent over eight years working on Christian leadership development at a seminary, which including teaching a workshop on the importance of storytelling for pastors and other leaders. Not in the sense of just...
by Carol Burns | Apr 8, 2022
Several special services have been announced for Holy Week (April 10-17): NOTE: All online services will be livestreamed on the church’s Facebook page and on the “Watch” page of our website, Thursday, April 14: Maundy Thursday...