Pastor’s Message: June 24, 2022

A MESSAGE FROM THE REV. J.C. AUSTIN: Make a joyful noise! Friends, as we continue with our Summer Worship plans, I want to double back to all of you about something we mentioned as we began this experiment. One of the things we are trying to balance in Summer Worship...

Who Am I?

Coming Soon By The Rev. J.C. Austin   The old man walks into the empty room slowly.  He is dressed in the simple dark peasant uniform of Maoist China during the Cultural Revolution. Looking at his face, the years have clearly weighed on him; he has known his...

Pastor’s Message: June 17, 2022

A MESSAGE FROM THE REV. J.C. AUSTIN: Affirming Our Faith As we continue with Summer Worship, I thought this might be a good time to revisit a part of the worship service that would be less familiar to folks who attend the Contemporary Service during the year, which is...

Not Enough

Audio coming! By The Rev. J.C. Austin     It’s important to recognize just how improbable, even unimaginable, this story is. This is Elijah we’re talking about: one of God’s all-stars, perhaps the greatest of the Hebrew prophets. This is the one thought by...

Pastor’s Message: June 10, 2022

A MESSAGE FROM THE REV. J.C. AUSTIN: RE-INVENTING SUMMER READING When I was in high school, the bane of my summer existence was summer reading. That’s a little ironic, given how much I love to read, but I love being told what to do a lot less than that.  And so being...