by Carol Burns | Aug 5, 2022
A MESSAGE FROM THE REV. J.C. AUSTIN: Called to do the hard work I am looking forward to being in worship with you this Sunday after several weeks away on vacation! It was good to have some downtime to rest, even though it was mostly a “staycation” here in Bethlehem....
by Carol Burns | Jul 29, 2022
A MESSAGE FROM THE REV. LINDSEY ALTVATER CLIFTON: Reflecting God’s light and love I have a go-to playlist (think digital mix tape) for when I’m feeling a little wandering or weary in my faith or my ministry; the nine songs on it often help me find solid ground again...
by Carol Burns | Jul 22, 2022
MESSAGE FROM THE FPCB COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE: #AnActiveFaith Greetings friends, We’re using this space today to share information about a new resource available to our church community and friends. Drawing inspiration from our core value, “An Active Faith,” we are...
by Carol Burns | Jul 17, 2022
Audio coming! By The Rev. Lindsey Altvater Clifton Today we circle back to a text often preached on Trinity Sunday – the Sunday following Pentecost – where age-old questions emerged once again, still essentially unanswered: Why does one God need three...
by Carol Burns | Jul 16, 2022
A MESSAGE FROM THE REV. LINDSEY ALTVATER CLIFTON: Supporting our Afghan friends Greetings friends, Even though it’s just now the middle of July, the program committees (Congregational Life, Discipleship, Mission, and Engagement) and I have already been hard at work...