FPCB’s Discipleship Committee has scheduled two learning opportunities in January, open to anyone interested in participating.


Wednesday, January 6
7 p.m. via Zoom
Presenter: Jan Bickford

The beginning of a new year invites time for reflection on our lives. In this offering we will be reflecting on our “spiritual family tree:” on those people who came before us and laid the foundation for our spiritual development.

You are asked to print a copy of the Spiritual Family Tree (right) that will be used for the presentation. Before the session:

Start a list of those persons who have most influenced your inner development. The first names will likely be of those who have influenced you most positively. As you prayerfully reflect, notice any names that surprise or unsettle you.

Those who may have caused some discomfort at the time, may have upon reflection, also enhanced your spiritual growth. Don’t hesitate to add them to the list. Remember and give thanks for each person as you now fill in your “spiritual family tree”. Bring it and a candle to our time together.

To join us via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89348851043

Meeting ID: 893 4885 1043

To join via phone (audio only): Call 929-205-6099when prompted enter the Meeting ID: 893 4885 1043 followed by the # key. You will be asked for the participant ID – simply press the # key again.

Wednesdays: January 13, 20, and 27
7 p.m. via Zoom
Leader: The Rev. Dr. Steve Simmons

What might a faithful and responsible attitude toward our material possessions actually look like? In this series, we’ll consider what the Bible says about wealth (and poverty), how we can we best use our material resources to live faithfully as disciples of Christ, and even how we can make “decluttering” our lives a spiritual discipline. 

To join us via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84240250484

To join via phone (audio only): Call 929-205-6099; when prompted enter the Meeting ID: 842 4025 0484 followed by the # key. You will be asked for the participant ID – simply press the # key again.